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Добрянский Богдан Олегович. Биоэнергет, целитель. нетрадиционная медицина. Магия. Йога. народная медицина. Медицинские услуги. Болезнь. Порча. Биоэнергет
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Добрянский Богдан Олегович. Биоэнергет, целитель. нетрадиционная медицина. Магия. Йога. народная медицина. Медицинские услуги. Болезнь. Порча. Биоэнергет
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Я оказываю квалифицированные услуги биоэнергета уже много лет. Занимаюсь диагностикой и восстановлением тонкоматериальных структур человека, вследствие чего происходит комплексное оздоровление организма. 

Why, having not received a result from medicine, they turn to me

No need to go to the doctors

The impact is on the whole body, on all organs


Discussed individually

Without pills and drugs

Work is going on with subtle bodies, with an aura, according to a phantom

Doesn't take much time

The duration of one session is 10-12 minutes

Don't have to go anywhere

Sessions are conducted both in person and remotely.

No age limit

I accept both children and adults

What violations do they contact me with?

Chronic diseases, organ pain, insomnia

Recovery after illness, stress, surgery

Depression, taking antidepressants

Panic attacks, anxiety, fears

Violation of the polarity of subtle-material structures

Negative energy-informational programs

Purification of residential premises from negative energy

See how the lives of people who have undergone bioenergy sessions are changing

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